
Canada Online Academy (COA) is an online based private high school, inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education (BSID: 666015)....

Canada Online Academy (COA) is an online based private high school, inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education (BSID: 666015).

COA is committed to bringing authentic classroom learning into online platform through interactive lectures taught by our enthusiastic teachers. The flexible structure will enable students to better customize their high school education and best prepare them for future study. Our goal is to provide high-quality professional online education to learners across Canada and around the world.

Here at COA, we believe that all students deserve fair and advanced education and distance should not be a problem. We continue to welcome learners from all cultures, as we always strive to provide 100% satisfaction for their educational journey.

D2L System

  • 1 online learning management system in North America, powerful and user-friendly
  • Customizable learning structure that helps deliver a personalized experience to every learner
  • Easy synchronous and asynchronous interactions between instructor and learner
  • Learning extended to mobile devices through Binder APP
  • Separate parent account with real-time access to students’ progress and teacher communication

Course Design and Content

  • Compulsory and optional courses based on Ontario Secondary School Curriculum
  • Presentation videos and audios in every single lesson and course
  • Large portion of non-text learning materials, online discussions, simulations and lie chats

Easy to Use

  • Enroll 24/7, 365 days a year
  • Start on the first day of each month
  • Finish as fast as you can or as long as 4 months
  • Study anytime, day or night
  • Learn anywhere, at home or on a beach
  • Choose the test center most convenient to you
  • test